Gamla Riksarkivet

Chambre Séparée - 11 years of tradition

Are you visiting us with your company, the whole family or your large group of friends? Here you will find everything you need to know for the larger group.

Experience our chambre séparée with extra Christmas

Christmas in the Library

Christmas like never before

If you are between 25-120 people, you can book a private session with us in our chambre séparée. If you are up to 300 people, you have the opportunity to book the entire venue spread across our various rooms. You can secure your booking as early as the month of May.

We offer many seating options every day from 11:00 to 21:00.
To make it easier for you, we also have three different beverage packages, in addition to a comprehensive wine list and a large selection of cocktails. Something we are also proud of is our wide range of vegan and vegetarian options.

We can provide invoicing, contact us and we will assist you.


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